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Common Nutritional Challenges

Kitchen Garden

Food Allergies & Dietary Restrictions

Nutrient Sources
Navigating Nutritional
Challenges in Schools
Strategies For Success
Picky eaters may resist trying new foods

Picky Eaters
- Offer a variety of choices.
- Make food fun with creative presentations.
- Encourage children to help with meal preparation.
Food allergies require careful attention

Food Allergies
- Keep a list of allergies on hand.
- Label food items clearly.
- Offer safe alternatives for allergic students.
Dietary restrictions may limit food choices

Picky Eaters
- Communicate with parents/guardians.
- Develop alternative meal options.
- Educate students about their dietary needs.
Promote a culture of
healthy eating

Encouraging Healthy Choices
- Make nutritious foods readily available.
- Use positive reinforcement for healthy choices.
- Incorporate nutrition education into the curriculum.
Success lies in

Communication and Collaboration
- Maintain open lines of communication.
- Collaborate with parents, guardians, and school staff.
Equip students with nutritional knowledge

Food Education
- Integrate food education into the curriculum.
- Organize workshops and guest speakers.
A Nourishing Learning

Creativity and Collaboration
- With patience, creativity, and collaboration, we can create a nourishing learning environment that supports all students in making healthy food choices.