Nutrition Introduction

Food Production & Sustainability

Healthy Eating Plate

Food Allergies
Building a Healthy Eating Plate
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Understand the concept of a balanced meal using the Healthy Eating Plate.
- Identify the portions of different food groups on the Healthy Eating Plate.
- Create a simple, balanced meal using the Healthy Eating Plate guidelines.
- Visual aids (images or posters of the Healthy Eating Plate)
- Whiteboard and markers
- Blank paper and crayons/markers
- Small toy food items (optional for hands-on activity)

Main Activities
Duration: 45 – 60 minutes
(5 minutes)
- Begin the lesson by reviewing what students have learned about food groups in the previous lessons.
- Introduce the concept of a balanced meal and explain that today, they will learn about the “Healthy Eating Plate.”
Activity 1 – Introduction to the Healthy Eating Plate
(10 minutes)
1. Show images or posters of the Healthy Eating Plate and explain that it helps us create balanced meals.
2. Point out the different sections of the plate: half plate for fruits and vegetables, a quarter plate for grains, a quarter plate for protein, and a small serving of dairy.
Activity 2 – Food Group Sorting
(15 minutes)
1. Divide students into small groups.
2. Provide them with images or toy food items representing various foods from different food groups.
3. Ask each group to sort the foods into the appropriate sections on a blank paper representing the Healthy Eating Plate.
4. Discuss and correct their placements as a class.
Activity 3 – Creating a Balanced Meal
(20 minutes)
1. Distribute blank paper and crayons/markers to each student.
2. Instruct students to draw or list foods they might include in a balanced meal on their own Healthy Eating Plate.
3. Encourage them to be creative and choose foods from each food group.
4. Share and discuss their meal creations as a class.
Wrap-up and Discussion
(5 minutes)
– Summarize the key points of the lesson: What is the Healthy Eating Plate, and how can it help us create balanced meals?
– Discuss the importance of eating a variety of foods for good health.
Ask students to create a real-life balanced meal at home using the Healthy Eating Plate guidelines. They can draw a picture or describe the meal they’ve chosen to share with the class in the next lesson.
Assess students’ understanding of the Healthy Eating Plate concept through their participation in class discussions and the accuracy of their food group sorting and balanced meal creations.