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Nutrition Introduction

Food Production & Sustainability

Healthy Eating Plate

Food Allergies


Farm to Table: Food and Sustainability


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Understand where food comes from and the various steps involved in food production.
  • Explore concepts of organic farming, local produce, and sustainable food choices.
  • Develop an appreciation for environmentally responsible food choices.


  • Visual aids (images or diagrams of farms, gardens, and various food products).
  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • Handouts with simple illustrations of food production stages.
  • Small plant seeds or seedlings for a class activity.

Main Activities

Duration: 45 – 60 minutes


(5 minutes)

  • Begin the lesson by discussing the idea that food doesn’t magically appear in stores but comes from somewhere.
  • Explain that today, they will learn about where our food comes from and how it’s produced.

Activity 1 – Food’s Journey from Farm to Table 

(20 minutes)

  1. Discuss the journey of food from the farm to the table, covering stages like planting, growing, harvesting, and processing.
  2. Use visual aids or diagrams to illustrate these stages and engage students in discussions about each step.

Activity 2 – Sustainability and Responsible Farming

(15 minutes)

  1. Introduce the concept of sustainability and explain that it means using resources in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
  2. Discuss organic farming and its benefits, such as using fewer chemicals and caring for the soil and wildlife.
  3. Talk about local produce and how buying food grown nearby can be more sustainable.

Activity 3 – Planting Seeds

(15 minutes)

  1. As an optional hands-on activity, provide small plant seeds or seedlings for the students.
  2. Allow them to plant the seeds or seedlings in small containers or a class garden (if available).
  3. Discuss how taking care of plants is one way to contribute to sustainable food production.

Wrap-up and Discussion

(5 minutes)

– Summarize the key points of the lesson: Where does our food come from, and how can we make more sustainable food choices?
– Encourage students to think about the food they eat and where it might come from.


Assign students to ask their families about the origins of some of the foods they eat at home and discuss their findings in the next class.


Assess students’ understanding of the lesson through their participation in class discussions, their ability to explain the stages of food production, and their engagement in the optional planting activity.