Home > Teachers > Nutrition Introductions Primary Plans


Food Allergies and Special Diets


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Understand that some people have food allergies and special diets.
  • Learn to be considerate and accommodating towards their classmates with dietary restrictions.
  • Recognize the importance of not sharing food with others.


  • Visual aids (images or posters of different foods).
  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • Handouts with simple drawings of the five food groups.

Main Activities

Duration: 45 – 60 minutes


(5 minutes)

  • Begin the lesson by asking students if they know that some people cannot eat certain foods.
  • Explain that today, they will learn about food allergies and special diets.

Activity 1 – Understanding Food Allergies

(15 minutes)

1. Explain that nutrition is like giving our bodies the right kind of fuel to help us grow, be strong, and feel good.
2. Use relatable examples: Just like cars need fuel to run, our bodies need healthy food to work well.
3. Discuss why nutrition is important: It helps us have energy to play, learn, and stay healthy.

Activity 2 – Being Considerate and Accommodating

(15 minutes)

  1. Share simple stories or examples of children with food allergies or dietary restrictions.
  2. Discuss the importance of being considerate and not teasing or making fun of others because of their special diets.
  3. Talk about ways to include classmates with allergies and restrictions during school events or celebrations.

    Activity 3 – Not Sharing Food

    (15 minutes)

    1. Show images or pictures of various beverages, including water, milk, fruit juice, and sugary drinks.
    2. Discuss the differences between these beverages, including the benefits of water.

    Wrap-up and Discussion

    (5 minutes)

    • Summarize the key points of the lesson: What are food allergies and special diets, and how can we be considerate and accommodating towards our classmates with dietary restrictions?
    • Discuss how students can ensure they don’t share food with their friends.


    Ask students to talk to their parents or guardians about a food allergy or dietary restriction and share what they’ve learned in the next class.


    Assess students’ comprehension through their active participation in class discussions and their ability to show understanding and empathy towards their peers with allergies or dietary restrictions.